Thursday, April 1, 2010

Holy Week 2010

For most city dwellers, Holy Week is a breather, a chance to step back and reflect on personal stuff. Some opt to party with friends, some go camping, others stay home.Others just cannot wait to make use of the few days of nonwork to venture into something new.

I choose to reflect, meditate, travel, take part on a festival and hit the beach all in one. Which is really new to me. Usually I travel during nonholiday days and every Holy Week, I just choose to stay at home, load up on my movie download,  or surf the internet till kingdom come. Well sometimes I spend the Holy Week with my friends too.

 it's really at the center. photo from here

But time off with friends usually entail tried and tested paths to resort towns and just enjoy. But this year is quite different as I choose to be at the center of a popular  festival called Moriones Festival in Marinduque. Yes, that festival we usually read from our fourth grade history books. And I am excited. This is Holy Week "sibika at kultura" style.

Why Marinduque? Yes Marinduque is considered obscure. The island doesn't have a mall. But what's nice or interesting other than the festival is that, the island is coincidentally located at the center of the Philippines. Mind you, the island province is also heartshaped. This fact after mentioning it to my close friends on this travel led to endless pa-witty (trying hard to be witty) quips on wishing or hoping that maybe we can finally find our soulmate or the next love of our lives in the heart of the nation. Yes frivolous and utterly whimsical, but who knows?

the heart of the Philippines Marinduque is not called that just because. The island province is really shaped like a heart. Now doesn't this remind you of your Science class. Where's the left ventricle? the right ventricle? hehe. Photo from here

So after finishing a deadline I worked on hours before the trip and hitting send on my mail, I am blogging this to regroup my mind all together after an entire day of writing away and sitting infront of my PC. So pardon the endless stream of consciousness.

And let us remember Holy Week and its essence, reflect, retreat, rejuvinate and on Sunday celebrate! I will try to update this blog once I hit Moriones-land. =)

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