Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Manila Ocean Park - the journey

Once inside the Manila Ocean Park, one will be arrested by the different sights and experiences through the seven different highlights or rather "chambers" that the local Oceanarium has to offer.

The first highlight is called "Agos", where one will begin the journey with a jungle-like trek complete with manicured gardens, crocodiles and flora. We later discovered that most species in Agos are freshwater species like turtles, crocodiles and the like.
The second highlight called "Bahura" is an attack of the senses. From daylight greens of Agos, we entered the dark alleys highlighted by beautifully lit aquariums featuring intricate coral reefs. Our family got crazy taking photos of the cute and ultra colorful fishes!

Next stop was "Laot" which featured huge fish tanks with cutesy industrial stuff used as coral substitute. My cousins had a great time playing with it.

Let me continue the next journey with another post because the next chamber "Buhay na Karagatan" deserve a page of its own!

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